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Over the past year I’ve dived into the locations where Sliders was filmed. Specifically seasons 3-5. While I’ve already completed the first two seasons this by far has been the hardest. Many episodes were filmed on the Universal Studios backlot, some from Warner Bros. backlot mixed with other onsite locations which made it dicey to nail them down.

I like to specifically get three “keys” to a location. Whether that be a street, a motel sign and yes very often detailed architecture down to the very foundation of the building. Many times it has taken several hours to locate just one filming area. Accurate locations for Sliders is hard to come by and are often very general. It’s almost a forensic scene. Gather all the information of still screenshots from an episode. At times it’s been the smallest tidbits of writing or a crevasse of a building which has made the difference. As you can see its patience, exploration, and meticulous detail all in one puzzle.

If I have a hunch on a location I’ve provided it, but with an asterisk*. Denoting it’s not 100% verified, as I said I’d like to have at least 3 critical markers. Several parks and forest locations are obviously near impossible to map down specifically.

It’s really necessary as a Sliders fan and future fans to note them. Not only for history’s sake but for a tourist’s perspective. Several locations are getting rather difficult to recognize as well. Only through details and past street mapping through Google has made it possible. Some buildings have been demolished, deteriorated, or replaced. I hope you enjoy this list. I believe it’s the most comprehensive list of Sliders filming locations you can find.